Set Up a Path of Titans Server
By hosting servers you agree to our Server Hosting Agreement.
Path of Titans Server files can be downloaded and updated using an automated command line utility called AlderonGamesCmd
. This is similar to SteamCMD.
AlderonGamesCmd Tool (Download)
AlderonGamesCmd Tool can be downloaded for Windows, Mac, and Linux here:
Note that running this executable will not download the server software, you will need to use the below instructions to pass command line arguments to tell it what to download and where.
Alderon Games Cmd Release Notes (v1.0.5)
- New: Introduced
command line argument. This allows for specifying an override arch to download. This is currently only used for Linux Server downloads. You can swap between Arm64 vs x86_64. Please note that Arm64 Linux Server support is experimental but as of this patch its now functional. - AlderonGamesCmd-Linux-arm64 now downloads the Arm64 version of Linux Server by default.
You can find the full release notes here.
Alderon Games Cmd does not currently update itself.
It is recommended you might have to download it when building a container so to ensure it's up to date. We plan on adding this in the future, however it won’t get changed often and old versions should still work.
Server Authentication
Both AlderonGamesCmd
and PathOfTitansServer
will need user authentication to the Alderon Games Platform, this can be any account that has access to the game. If you want to hive the database of two servers together using -Database=Remote
, they will need to the same account.
These tokens are specified via specify -AuthToken=
for PathOfTitansServer
and --auth-token tokenhere
for AlderonGamesCmd
by using the generated tokens.
To learn more about how to generate these tokens and how they work, please check out the Authentication Token page.
Due to Windows having a 1024 character limit on command line argument and it being a Json Web Token which is fairly long, we have added the ability to specify it via Process Environment Variable instead. You can use the environment variable AG_AUTH_TOKEN
Beta Branch
Right now we recommend using production
as the Beta Branch, in some rare cases, you might want to use the other branch demo-public-test
Please note that if you want to setup a server on the public test branch you will need to get access to that branch via the public test instructions here: Public Test Branch Signup Instructions.
Server GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifier)
Each Path of Titans Server will need a unique identifier. If you have trouble generating one, please go here:
This GUID is linked to your Path of Titans server and Alderon Games Account it starts with. Please replace the GUID blank of 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
in the below command line with the one you generated. It is in the format of UUIDv4.
Server can use a Local or Remote Database. Specified using -Database=Local
or -Database=Remote
It is highly recommended to use a Remote Database so that you can run multiple servers and have them share the same database. Also prevents data loss if you accidentally delete your server folder.
Extra Command Line Arguments
These are extra command line arguments you can use to customize your server. Some of these are required for the server to work.
This command will be the address the server will publicly broadcast to. Useful if you want players to connect via a different IP, Firewall, Relay or DDoS protection.
If you get timeouts after trying to connect to your server via the server list, but the direct IP connect works, you will need to specify it.
This command will be the branch key for the server. If you want to use the public test branch, you will need to get access to that branch via the public test instructions here: Public Test Branch Signup Instructions.
This command will be the GUID for the server. This is required for the server to work.
This command will be the authentication token for the server. This links the server to your Alderon Games account. This is required for the server to work and can be generated here:
This command will be the database type for the server. This is required for the server to work. Can be
This command will set the server name. This is optional.
This command will be the address the server will bind to for the network adapter
This command will be the IP for Rcon. This is required for RCON to work.
This command will be the port for Rcon. This is required for RCON to work.
This command will be the password for Rcon. This is required for RCON to work.
Setup Guides
This section will show you how to setup your server on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Please note that these guides are not exhaustive and you may need to do additional steps to get your server working.
Windows Server Setup
The steps below will show you how to setup a Path of Titans server on Windows.
Download the AlderonGamesCmd Tool for Windows here:
Create a folder for your server. This can be anywhere on your computer. For this example, we will use
Create a batch file called
in the folder you created in step 2. You can do this by creating a new text file and renaming it toUpdate.bat
.Edit the
file and add the following text:
# Example Command Line: Windows eg Update.bat
SET BETA_BRANCH="production"
SET AG_AUTH_TOKEN="your auth token here"
SET SERVER_GUID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
./AlderonGamesCmd-Win64.exe --game path-of-titans --server true --beta-branch %BETA_BRANCH% --auth-token %AG_AUTH_TOKEN% --install-dir %INSTALL_DIR%
Run the
file. This will download the server files to the folder you created in step 2.Create a batch file called
in the folder you created in step 2. You can do this by creating a new text file and renaming it toStart.bat
# Starting your server after updating: (Windows)
SET BETA_BRANCH="production"
SET AG_AUTH_TOKEN="your auth token here"
SET SERVER_GUID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
./PathOfTitans/Binaries/Win64/PathOfTitansServer-Win64-Shipping.exe -Port=7777 -BranchKey=%BETA_BRANCH% -log -AuthToken=%AG_AUTH_TOKEN% -ServerGUID=%SERVER_GUID% -Database=Local
- Run the
file. This will start your server. That's it!
While the above steps will work, you may want to update your server automatically and restart it if it crashes. Below is an example script that will do this for you.
# Full Example Script with Auto Restart on Crash eg UpdateAndRun.bat
SET BETA_BRANCH="production"
SET AG_AUTH_TOKEN="yourauthtokenhere"
SET SERVER_GUID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
echo (%time%) Updating Server Files
%INSTALL_DIR%\AlderonGamesCmd-Win64.exe --game path-of-titans --server true --beta-branch %BETA_BRANCH% --auth-token %AG_AUTH_TOKEN% --install-dir %INSTALL_DIR%
echo (%time%) Starting Server
"%INSTALL_DIR%\PathOfTitans\Binaries\Win64\PathOfTitansServer-Win64-Shipping.exe" -log -Port=%PORT% -BranchKey=%BETA_BRANCH% -AuthToken=%AG_AUTH_TOKEN% -ServerGUID=%SERVER_GUID% -Database=%DATABASE%
echo (%time%) WARNING: Server Closed or Crashed, Restarting in 60 seconds.
timeout /t 60
goto Run
Linux Server Setup
This guide is tested using Ubuntu 22.04. Steps may be different if you are using a different version or Linux Distrbution.
Please ensure you do not run the server as the root user, you will need to run it under a non-root user.
Install Required Dependencies
These are used by Path of Titans to setup and run the server.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends apt-utils apt-transport-https ca-certificates libunwind8 icu-devtools openssl libkrb5-3 zlib1g libuuid1 dos2unix gnupg gnupg2 debian-archive-keyring gcc g++ lib32gcc-s1 lib32z1 lib32stdc++6 iproute2 gdb libsdl1.2debian libfontconfig libcurl4
sudo apt-get autoremove --purge
Install Debugging Dependencies: (Optional)
These are used for helping to debug your server with things like performance
sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends p7zip-full unzip tar curl wget nmap net-tools netcat openssh-server sudo htop vim lm-sensors stress
sudo apt-get autoremove --purge
Download AlderonGamesCmd for Linux
There are two architectures for Linux, x86_64 and arm64. You can find the download links for both below and download the one that matches your hardware. If you are unsure, you can use the uname -m
command to find out.
curl -o AlderonGamesCmd-Linux
chmod +x AlderonGamesCmd-Linux
curl -o AlderonGamesCmd-Linux
chmod +x AlderonGamesCmd-Linux
Next, you will need to create a folder for your server. This can be anywhere on your computer. For this example, we will use /home/Server1/
as the folder. Then to install the server, you will need to run the following command:
# Example Update Script (
export BETA_BRANCH="production"
export INSTALL_DIR="/home/Server1/"
export AG_AUTH_TOKEN="yourauthtokenhere"
./AlderonGamesCmd-Linux --game path-of-titans --server true --beta-branch $BETA_BRANCH --auth-token $AG_AUTH_TOKEN --install-dir $INSTALL_DIR
Similar to Windows, you may want to update your server automatically and restart it if it crashes. Below is an example script that will do this for you.
# Example Startup Script (
export AG_AUTH_TOKEN="yourauthtokenhere"
export SERVER_MAP="Island"
export SERVER_NAME="MyCommunityServerTest1"
export SERVER_GUID="server-guid-here"
export SERVER_DB="Remote"
export BETA_BRANCH="production"
export INSTALL_DIR="/home/Server1/"
./AlderonGamesCmd-Linux --game path-of-titans --server true --beta-branch $BETA_BRANCH --auth-token $AG_AUTH_TOKEN --install-dir $INSTALL_DIR
./server/ ${SERVER_MAP}?listen?MaxPlayers=${SERVER_MAX_PLAYERS} -nullRHI -ServerName=${SERVER_NAME} -ServerGUID=${SERVER_GUID} -BranchKey=${BETA_BRANCH} -Database=${SERVER_DB} -log